Friday, April 24, 2009

Entertainment 4-24

17 Again: This movie was pretty funny, if you want to see a lightweight comedy with a beautiful boy lighting up the screen for two hours. The dialogue is fun because you have to consider everything Zac Efron says in two different contexts: as a secretly middle-aged man and as a teenage boy. The sub-plot with his freaky fanboy best friend is hilarious. His house is decked out with every imaginable artifact from any fantasy/sci-fi story ever.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Also hilarious. So far, this re-imagining of Jane Austen's classic hasn't scared me at all. I hope it does at some point, but for now it's fun to laugh at the absurd lines. Most of it is just the original story, and there's a lot of plot in there, but once in a while some zombie action takes place. Very fun.

Arrested Development: This show is funny, but not as amazing as I've heard it is. There are silly moments that make me laugh, but it isn't as immediately funny as How I Met Your Mother or Friends, for example. Michael Cera as a kid in love with his cousin is probably the best plotline. That boy is endlessly great at what he does.

10 Things I Hate About You: Yeah, I finally saw it. Tonight, I watched it after like 10 years of resisting it. Everyone loves this movie, and I have to agree that it wasn't as cheesy and juvenile as I expected it to be. I really only watched it because I currently have a movie-star-crush on Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He's so cute and young in this movie! But of course it was a good story, since it was adapted from a Shakespeare play.Wii Fit: Very fun and guilt-free. Always a good thing.